E-199 Rectora Message

God certainly does great things! Whether they are small or large – they are great because of how God works. The team of E-199 will begin teaming in June to prepare, with servant hearts, for more of God’s great things to come. Recently, the pastor at our church passed on the following statement, “the most important thing you take with you, wherever you go, is your connection to Jesus.” This made me think of how we connect with the Holy Spirit and bring that connection to Jesus with us when we form Emmaus teams. Nothing matters more than our connection to Jesus. God makes every Emmaus weekend happen. From Psalms 71:19: “Your righteousness, God, reaches to the heavens, you who have done great things. Who is like you, God?” No one is like the great God we serve. We each take on different roles, and our responsibility is to listen and move forward in accordance with His guidance. E-199 will strive to keep our eyes on God as we prepare for what is ahead – we would appreciate your prayers (and eventually perhaps, some palanca). God does the hard work; we simply respond in faith. Thanks be to God, for He does great things.


P.O. Box 1596
Woodbridge, VA 22195, US


National Capital Area Emmaus is an independent ecumenical fourth-day community.  It is not affiliated with the Upper Room© or its Emmaus© and Walk to Emmaus© programs.  

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