E-202 Rector Message

The Men of E-202 have answered the call!
The Rector, John Lohr has been calling through the applications and has been actively working through the available list. We are waiting for some paperwork, but it looks like we have 9 pilgrims, so far. We will put out our list as we confirm some information and hear back from a few that are working to free up their schedules. If you are praying about sponsoring someone, get your applications in soon! The team has been hard at work these past few weeks, preparing for our time together on the mountain. It's hard to believe we are a month away from the weekend where we get to give the experience that changed so many of us when we were where the Pilgrims are.

The team has been given their assignments and our speakers are working away on developing their talks, guided by the Holy Spirit and the excellent advice of our experienced OB's. Table leaders have been assigned and are busy putting together their plans for their table themes, and Cha's have their assignments and are gearing up to be ready for what God has in store for us on the E-202 Men's weekend! We are heading into our 6th Men's Team Meeting this weekend and it is our Talk Day!   


P.O. Box 1596
Woodbridge, VA 22195, US


National Capital Area Emmaus is an independent ecumenical fourth-day community.  It is not affiliated with the Upper Room© or its Emmaus© and Walk to Emmaus© programs.  

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